External Resources

Other external KPW Web sites, many with links to videos, are as follows:

  1. Battlefields of King Philip’s War https://www.kpwar.org
  2. Conspiracy Island is said to be where Philip planned King Philip’s War https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/conspiracy-island-said-to-be-where-philip-planned-king-philips-war/
  3. King Philip’s War Timeline https://historyofmassachusetts.org/king-philips-war-timeline/
  4. Access Genealogy King Philip’s War – Indian Wars https://accessgenealogy.com/connecticut/king-philips-war-indian-wars.htm
  5. History of the Indian Wars https://accessgenealogy.com/native/history-of-the-indian-wars.htm
  6. Colonial Society of North America https://www.colonialsociety.org/node/1864
  7. David Silverman on King Philip’s War https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5034257/king-philips-war
  8. American History Central on King Philip’s War https://www.americanhistorycentral.com/entries/king-philips-war-1675/
  9. Mass Moments: King Philip’s War Breaks Out https://www.massmoments.org/moment-details/king-philips-war-breaks-out.html
  10. Igniting King Philip’s War by Yasuhide Kawashima https://archive.org/details/ignitingkingphil0000kawa/page/n5/mode/2up
  11. The King Philip War broke out in today’s Warren on June 20, 1675 https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/king-philip-war-broke-out-in-todays-warren/
  12. History.com on King Philip’s War https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/king-philips-war
  13. Wikipedia on King Philip’s War https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Philip%27s_War#:~:text=King%20Philip’s%20War%20began%20the,separate%20and%20distinct%20from%20Britain.
  14. Lisa Brooks presents a New History of King Philip’s War https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/lisa-brooks-presents-a-new-history-of-king-philips-war/
  15. Weetamoe of the Pocassets sided with King Philip during the War https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/weetamoe-of-the-pocassets-sided-with-king-philip-during-the-war/
  16. Remapping a new history of King Philip’s War by Lisa Brooks https://ourbelovedkin.com/awikhigan/index
  17. King Philip’s War and the Sudbury Fight http://www.sudbury01776.org/SavedPages/SudburySeniorCenter_KingPhilipsWar.html
  18. Correcting My First King Philip’s War Video https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/correcting-my-first-king-philips-war-video/
  19. The Wampanoag IV: King Phillip’s War (1675-76) https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/the-wampanoag-iv-king-phillips-war-1675-76/
  20. William Hubbard’s “Narrative” of King Philip’s War and His “Map of New-England” https://www.jstor.org/stable/3491788
  21. Swansea’s celebration of the 200th anniversary of King Philip’s War https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/swanseas-celebration-of-the-200th-anniversary-of-the-king-philips-war/
  22. The History of King Philip’s War by Col. Benjamin Church https://www.loc.gov/item/01007546/
  23. Mass Dept. of Higher Education American Centuries Search Results for: King Philip’s War (1675-1676) http://americancenturies.mass.edu/collection/adv_search/results.jsp?pagenum=0&lexicon=0
  24. Ipswich, the Brookfield Massacre and King Philip’s War https://historicipswich.net/2023/11/08/brookfield-massacre/
  25. Indigenous Weapons and Tactics of King Philip’s War https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/indigenous-weapons-and-tactics-of-king-philips-war/
  26. Colonial enslavement of Native Americans by Linford Fisher https://www.brown.edu/news/2017-02-15/enslavement
  27. The Pequot War and King Philip’s War https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/the-pequot-war-and-king-philips-war/
  28. The Great Swamp Fight: The Bloodiest Day of King Philip’s War https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/the-great-swamp-fight-the-bloodiest-day-of-king-philips-war/
  29. King Philip’s War with National Park Ranger John McNiff https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/king-philips-war-with-national-park-ranger-john-mcniff/
  30. King Philip’s War with author Michael Tougias https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/king-philips-war-with-author-michael-tougias/
  31. King Philip’s War with author Eric Schultz https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/king-philips-war-with-eric-schultz/
  32. King Philip’s War: A Little History, A Little Genealogy with Eric Schultz https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/king-philips-war-a-little-history-a-little-genealogy-with-eric-schultz/
  33. King Philip’s War and the Character of Colonial America https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/king-philips-war-and-the-character-of-colonial-america/
  34. The Name of War: King Philip’s War and the Origins of American Identity https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/the-name-of-war-king-philips-war-and-the-origins-of-american-identity/
  35. Native Wars of New England with Michael Tougias https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/native-wars-of-new-england-with-michael-tougias/
  36. ‘Memory Lands’ a lecture on King Philip’s War by Christine DeLucia https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/memory-lands-a-lecture-on-king-philips-war-by-christine-delucia/
  37. King Philip’s War & the Place of Violence in the Northeast with Christine DeLucia https://sowamsheritagearea.org/wp/king-philips-war-the-place-of-violence-in-the-northeast-with-christine-delucia/
  38. The legacies of King Philip’s War in the Massachusetts Bay Colony by Michael J. Puglisi, 1987 https://scholarworks.wm.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?params=/context/etd/article/3656/&path_info=8717074.pdf
  39. King Philip’s War & the Colonial Contact Period in and around Barrington & Warren, RI, & Swansea, MA http://drweed.net/kingphilip.htm


  1. King Philip’s War & the Place of Violence in the Northeast with Christine DeLucia https://youtu.be/s3fBi-SC5BA
  2. Michael Tougias on King Philip’s War https://youtu.be/DgFbT_3-Xf4


  1. Amazon’s list of books on King Philip’s War https://www.amazon.com/s?k=books+on+king+philip%27s+war&hvadid=583804710675&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9002227&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=17311797738807439575&hvtargid=kwd-545558782312&hydadcr=15306_10335461&tag=googhydr-20&ref=pd_sl_6oe64oo8eh_b
  2. Increase Mather’s 1676 account of the War https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1034&context=libraryscience
  3. Bacon, Edwin M. (2008) The Connecticut River Valley in King Philip’s War. Middleborough, MA: Rock Village Printing.
  4. Bourne, Russell (1990) The Red King’s Rebellion, Racial Politics in New England, 1675-1678. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
  5. Brooks, Lisa (2018) Our Beloved Kin: A New History of King Philip’s War. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
  6. Chivers, David Kerr (2008) Metacomet’s War, A Novel of King Philip’s War. New York, NY: Universe, Inc.
  7. Chorlian, Meg, Ed. (2000) King Philip’s War, 1675-1676, Cobblestone Discover American History. Peterborough, NH: Cobblestone.
  8. Church, Colonel Benjamin (1996) Diary of King Philip’s War: 1675-1676. Little Compton, RI: Lockwood Publishing.
  9. Church, Thomas, Esq. (1829) The History of Philip’s War, Commonly Called The Great Indian War of 1675 and 1676. Exeter, NH: J. & B. Williams.
  10. Drake, James D. (1999) King Philip’s War, Civil War in New England, 1675-1676. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.
  11. Drake, Samuel G. (1865) The History of the Indian War From The First Settlement to the Termination of The War with King Philip, in 1677. From the Original Work by the Rev. William Hubbard. Roxbury, Mass: Printed for W. Elliot Woodward.
  12. Easton, John and Royster, Paul (editor) (1675) A Relation of the Indian War, by Mr. Easton, of Rhode Island, 1675. Faculty Publications, UNL Libraries. 33. https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/libraryscience/33
  13. Ellis, George W. and Morris, John E. (1906) King Philip’s War: Based on the Archives and records of RI, Massachusetts, Plymouth and Connecticut and contemporary letters and accounts. New York: The Grafton Press.
  14. Hubbard, William (1775) A narrative of the Indian wars in New-England, from the first planting thereof in the year 1607, to the year 1677. Boston: Printed and sold by John Boyle in Marlborough-Street. http://name.umdl.umich.edu/N11149.0001.001
  15. Kawashima, Yasuhide (2001) Igniting King Philip’s War, The John Sassamon Murder Trial. Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas.
  16. Lepore, Jill (1998) The Name of War: King Philip’s War and the Origins of American Identity. New York, NY: Vintage Books.
  17. Lodi, Edward, Ed. (2010) Curious Incidents in King Philip’s War. Middleborough, MA: Rock Village Publishing.
  18. Mandell, Daniel R. (2010) King Philip’s War: Colonial Expansion, Native Resistance, and the End of indian Sovereignty. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
  19. Mather, Increase (1676) A Brief History of the Warr with the Indians in New-England, An Online Electronic Text Edition, https://digitalcommons.unl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1034&context=libraryscience
  20. Saltonstall, Nathaniel (1676) The Present State of New England with Respect to the Indian War. London: Printed for Dorman Newman at the Kings-Arms in the Poultry and at the Anchor at the Brig-foot on Southwork fide.
  21. Schultz, E.B. & Tougias, M.J. (1999) King Philip’s War: The History and Legacy of America’s Forgotten Conflict. Woodstock, VT: The Countryman Press.
  22. Tougias, Michael J. (1996) Until I have No Country, A Novel of King Philip’s War in New England. North Attleborough, MA: Covered Bridge Press.
  23. Vaughan, Alden T. and Clark, Edward W. (1981) Puritans Among the Indians, Accounts of Captivity and Redemption, 1676-1724. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press.
  24. Warren, James A. (2018) God, War and Providence. New York, NY: Scribner.